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- Antioxidant Power of More Than 20 Serving of Fruits & Vegetables in Every Scoop!
- Dr. Coco March #1 Formula
- Dietary Supplement
- No Preservatives, Wheat, Lactose or MSG
- Vegan- No Sugar Added- Gluten Free
- Taste Great Mixed in Water
Bold and delicious is the result of this wonderful blend of powerful antioxidants. The sweet taste of strawberries mixed with tart kiwi will have you delighted to get your daily dose of greens.
Need to stay energized and focused throughout your busy day?
Forget the sugary caffeinated dr髮旺旺i髮旺旺nks and mix up this refreshing treat in a bottle and take it everywhere you床的世界 go.
Your body and mind髮旺旺 will thank you.
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