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- Natural Flavors Play with Chai Spices to Create Magic
- Kosher
Take a step back for a little "you" time. With smooth vanilla and decadent maple flavor infused with traditional chai spices, Sweet Chai of Mine is the perf髮旺旺ect way to do just that.
We're Good Earth and we make tea. But we don't just stick to the ordinary stuff. We seek out the exotic. The unexpected. The moments where you can really let loose. Because that's what tea should do. And so that's how we make 髮旺旺it.
Intriguing combinations, unexpected flavors.
Amazing aromas and wondrous tastes.無痕褲
That's Good Earth. And that's髮旺旺 Tea Untamed.
Go on, experience some!
It's not easy being good but someone has to do it.
Good for you. Good for Eart髮旺旺h. Our tea may be untamed, but our commitment isn't.
Good Earth Teas, 印度茶,我的甜蜜印度茶,18茶包,1.43盎司(40.5克)

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